Title Slowdown for DaVinci Resolve - Free plugin (Free and Studio)
This plugin slows them down directly from the edit page..
The file TitleSlowdown.DRFX will download from Google Drive in a new window.
How to use
Add the desired Title to the timeline. Drag and drop the TitleSlowdown Fusion effect to the title in the timeline (or double click TitleSlowdown if the Title is already selected (red framed). With the title selected go to the "Inspector" and open "Effects".
The Controls
The TitleSlowdown is controlled from the Effects tab in the Inspector.
1) Download the plugin from Google Drive here. The download will open in a new window and the file can be downloaded to and installed from any location.
3) The TitleSlowdown is now available under Fusion Effects in the Edit tab.
The plugin is automatically copied to the correct directory and the downloaded file is no longer required.It is yours to use...
The plugin can be used and shared freely but it cannot be sold...
If you find it useful and want to encourage more developments you can buy me a coffee...
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